Part of researching for my recent book, The HEART of Grandparenting, involved sifting through what amounts to a treasure chest—hundreds of written comments from adults about their grandparents. There are priceless comments about what these grandchildren remember, what they learned, and what most influenced them.
So, for this week’s blog, I’d like to simply share some of these with the hope that you’ll be inspired and challenged to be the best Nana or Papa for your grandkids. Check these out:
I learned more from my grandmother than I could ever possibly put into words. My grandfather died when I was almost two years old, and my grandmother used to say that she would stay around as long as she could to make up for that loss. And she did. She was a fixture in my life that I thought was immovable. She was the most kind, forgiving, and loving soul I have been fortunate enough to know.
My grandmother literally came over on the boat, alone and as a child, during the war. She had nothing and no one. Through the years she lost a child and a husband after he fought cancer, but she never gave up. Although not physically strong, she was strong as a woman, strong as a person, and the ultimate example of what a grandmother should be.
My grandfather was my true inspiration in life! He taught me that a woman should always maintain her dignity and keep her word. I have raised my sons (who currently serve in the military) and my daughter according to that same principle, and they understand those simple values. I’m so thankful to have had such a strong man be part of my life… Thank you, Granddaddy. You are our guardian angel.
My grandmother, who died when I was a teenager, [was] a great example of a godly woman. She lived a hard life and raised eight kids on her own just by doing odd jobs in the church. I never heard her say a bad thing about anybody, even my grandpa, who cheated and drank and left when my mom was young. My grandmother was always a perfect example of how to live and have faith even in the hard times.
Yes, grandparents do make a difference.
May we all leave a legacy for our grandkids that’s unique to who we are, but also memorable and lasting for many years. Thank you for the ways you’re investing in future generations!
How have you reached out to encourage or bless your children and grandchildren? Share insights and tips with other grandparents on our Facebook page.
This was adapted from Dr. Ken Canfield’s book, The HEART of Grandparenting. Find out more and get your copy here.