We celebrate Grandparents Day in September, but grandfathers and grandmothers probably deserve their own holiday. Until that happens, we can recognize them for all their individual greatness in May and June. Last month we gave a tribute to grandmothers, and here as we approach Father’s Day it’s granddads’ turn.
There are many ways grandfathers make a difference. We could talk about the wisdom they share, their devotion to their grandkids, the stories they tell, the way they teach skills and values, their generosity, their role modeling, and on and on. Those are all priceless contributions from granddads, but here are three qualities that might be less obvious:

Emotional Support and Connection
As men enter the later years of life, due to the decline in testosterone, they often become more emotional; their feelings come to the forefront like never before. And of course grandchildren bring this out in deep and powerful ways. They touch a grandfather’s heart like nothing else and inspire granddads to become more affectionate and soak up the joy of just spending time together.
Whimsy & Playfulness
Dads have dad jokes, and granddads should have their own category of humor and fun because many of them take it up a few notches. Maybe they’re more relaxed at this stage of life, possibly working fewer hours, and are determined to enjoy their grandkids like they couldn’t during the busy years as a parent. This might drive them to visit a grandchild’s make-believe world, try a new hobby with a grandchild, or introduce the grandkids to something fun (and quite possibly mischievous) that they enjoyed as children.
Exploration & Curiosity
Granddads often bring the gifts, quirks and abilities they have used their whole lives in their careers and other pursuits, and focus them on their grandkids. They’re asking questions like, How can I challenge them to grow? What can I do to help prepare them for their future? How can I be a teacher and mentor? What beneficial things can I introduce them to, or what could we discover together? How can I use my unique life experiences to benefit them? Often the questions are forward-looking, where a granddad will learn something new so he can better understand and connect with his grandkids.
Granddads, keep making those valuable, one-of-a-kind contributions to your grandkids’ lives. Thanks for all you do.
What’s most special to you about grandfathers? Add to our list by leaving a comment on our Facebook page.