THANK YOU for your interest in Grandkids Matter radio, a one-minute feature by Dr. Ken Canfield and the National Association for Grandparenting that affirms, encourages, and offers practical tips to grandparents.

Audio files for the program are FREE to access and download (saved in mp3 format at 192 kbps).

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

We are providing the audio files for download and allowing you to choose when to air them. You might want to keep track of which programs you have already downloaded and used. (We add the most recent uploads at the top.)

Below you will find an archive of about 480 programs total, plenty to last more than a year of weekdays.

The main section below contains programs about various grandparenting topics. They are “generic” in the sense that they can be used any day of the year if you choose to. Each program has a title to give you a general sense of what the program is about.

Further down, you’ll find programs that are seasonal, if you’d like to use programs appropriate to Thanksgiving, the Christmas season, Valentine’s Day, and (eventually) the week before Grandparents Day in September, etc.

Each program title below is a link that will open and play the mp3. On a Windows computer, you can also right-click and “save link as …” to download the file without opening it.

Generic programs – can be used any day of the year

** See the SEASONAL section at the bottom of this page for programs appropriate for particular times of the year. *

Seasonal programs for specific times of the year


Thanksgiving: New Traditions
(for a day or two before Thanksgiving)

Thanksgiving for Children
(for a day or two before, or Thanksgiving Day)

One Person’s Thanksgiving Memories
(for a day or two before Thanksgiving)

Thanksgiving: Example of Gratitude
(for Thanksgiving Day)