The first step to helping grandchildren reach their potential is getting to know them better — understanding their interests, dreams, and challenges.

At the National Association for Grandparenting, we seek to validate and empower grandparents as they bond with future generations in meaningful ways and leave a lasting positive legacy.
The first step to helping grandchildren reach their potential is getting to know them better — understanding their interests, dreams, and challenges.
How can grandparents positively influence their grandkids in today’s chaotic world? We do have an important role to play; we can make a difference.
Estate planning is a significant part of your role as a grandparent. Wisdom there can be a big blessing to your children and grandchildren.
NANA’S HOUSE: Do your grandkids live far away? Teresa Kindred offers reminders & creative tips to make the most of long-distance grandparenting challenges.
Grandparenting can by profoundly satisfying. Our love and support creates lasting bonds, and in the process we’re leaving a meaningful legacy.
Leaving a legacy involves creating meaningful learning opportunities for our grandkids. We can help shape their character & teach valuable lessons.
Grandparents can play a crucial role in shaping grandchildren as leaders. We can foster 2 key qualities through personal experiences & guidance.
All grandparents can play a critical role in their grandchildren’s education. We need caring adults who are involved—at the school and elsewhere—to help kids recognize that a good education is often a major factor in propelling them to long-term success in life. They...
Grandparents are in a strategic position to make significant contributions to our grandkids’ emotional strength. Here are 3 key ways.
Grandparents can play a crucial role in shaping grandchildren as leaders. We can foster 2 key qualities through personal experiences & guidance.
Grandparents are in a strategic position to make significant contributions to our grandkids’ emotional strength. Here are 3 key ways.
The learning process (even at our age) is a wonderful opportunity to share life and make meaningful contributions to our grandchildren.
Grandchildren commonly remember strength and endurance in their grandparents. Here are three thoughts to help you stay positive through difficulties.
We can’t guarantee their future will be a certain way, but it’s even better to bestow huge amounts of hope on our grandkids, because that will carry them through whatever the future may bring.
It isn’t about being perfect, but rather making the most of our opportunities and persevering through the adversities.
That special relationship depends on some distance and puts grandparents in a key position to influence their grandkids.
Nana’s House by Teresa Kindred: I know grandmothers who connect with their grandchildren via FaceTime and make the best of it, but it’s very challenging for them.
After social distancing, reentry into the lives of our grandchildren is situational. Each family has a different set of risk tolerances and levels of concern.