Connecting hearts,
Uniting generations

At the National Association for Grandparenting, we seek to validate and empower grandparents as they bond with future generations in meaningful ways and leave a lasting positive legacy.

Hugs, Words & Smiles: Simple Ways to Affirm Your Grandchildren

Strengthen the bond with your grandkids through simple yet powerful affirmations. Discover practical tips for expressing love and encouragement.

The Power of a Grandparent’s Heartfelt Love

As grandparents, our love has a profound impact on our grandkids’ lives – and on ours. We have a unique, invaluable, and rewarding role.

Finding Dignity in Every Heritage

Even if you have a challenging family history, you can find dignity and build a positive legacy for your children and grandchildren.

Listening to Our Grandkids Shows We Care

There’s a profound impact when we truly listen to our grandchildren. We build stronger bonds, foster trust, and demonstrate our love for them.

Imperfect Holidays, Perfect Memories: A Grandparent’s Perspective

As grandparents, we often strive for perfect holiday gatherings. But then life happens! (And we can still create lasting memories with our grandkids.)

5 Grandparenting Tips for Holiday Traditions

As grandparents, holiday traditions help us create lasting memories, foster togetherness, and express our family’s uniqueness. Learn key tips.

The Joy of Grandparent Gifting: 3 Tips

Retail therapy is real for grandparents. It’s a rush to buy things for our grandkids, and we need wisdom and creativity.

The Silent Grief of the Grandparent Generation

As the birth rate declines, some older adults face the heartbreaking possibility of never becoming grandparents. Here are some positive reminders.

5 Tips for Knowing & Understanding Your Grandchild

The first step to helping grandchildren reach their potential is getting to know them better — understanding their interests, dreams, and challenges.

Grandparents & Education: Investing in the Future

Grandparents & Education: Investing in the Future

All grandparents can play a critical role in their grandchildren’s education. We need caring adults who are involved—at the school and elsewhere—to help kids recognize that a good education is often a major factor in propelling them to long-term success in life. They...


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3 Ways to Be a Persevering Grandparent

3 Ways to Be a Persevering Grandparent

Grandchildren commonly remember strength and endurance in their grandparents. Here are three thoughts to help you stay positive through difficulties.

4 Qualities of Hopeful Grandparents

We can’t guarantee their future will be a certain way, but it’s even better to bestow huge amounts of hope on our grandkids, because that will carry them through whatever the future may bring.


When Your Grandchildren Are Far Away

When Your Grandchildren Are Far Away

Nana’s House by Teresa Kindred: I know grandmothers who connect with their grandchildren via FaceTime and make the best of it, but it’s very challenging for them.

Reentry Notes for Grandparents

Reentry Notes for Grandparents

After social distancing, reentry into the lives of our grandchildren is situational. Each family has a different set of risk tolerances and levels of concern.

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