What do you appreciate about grandmothers?
It’s a question many are asking—or should be asking—as we celebrate Mother’s Day. Maybe you remember your grandmother, or maybe you watched how your mother related to your children. And if you’re a grandmother yourself, then this is about you.
There are surely some unique traits and habits that make you a great grandmother, but here are three more general great things about grandmothers that are likely to describe you:
Isn’t this where it all starts? The love of a grandmother is a wonderful feeling, and it shows up in words and actions. You send notes of encouragement. You give great hugs. You work hard to prepare a meal, making sure all the details are just right. You show up to care for the grandkids when needed. You’re ready to step up and help.
Your love is also persevering. When a grandchild goes down a foolish path or leaves the values or the life that you hold dear, you’re ready to forgive and reconcile. And often, the fact that you continue to show that kind of love and acceptance sets a powerful example and becomes a factor in the grandchild turning things around and getting back on track.
“Don’t ever get between a grandmother and her grandchild.” That’s an exaggeration, but we’ve all seen that drive and dedication. Maybe, in your years as a mother, you tended to focus largely on nurturing and comforting your children. During this stage of life, it’s likely that you’ve added to that a task orientation and determination to help bring growth and blessings to your grandkids’ lives.
Grandchildren give you a clear purpose for these years; you know that life is short, and you aren’t about to miss out on time and opportunities to invest in those precious little ones.
You’re pretty much always thinking about your grandkids, aren’t you? You probably did the same with your kids when they were at home, but it still happens with your grandkids even though you see them less often. Random pieces of information make you think of them. You see something in a store and just have to get it for them. Maybe you get online to find out more about their interests, hobbies and school events. You’re thinking ahead about what they would like for their birthdays or for Christmas. And of course you’re making arrangements to get together as a family for special events and holidays.
You just can’t help it. You get a rush of positive emotions from all the thinking and planning related to your grandkids, and it’s very much related to the love and dedication you feel. It brings you joy to know that you’re contributing to their happiness or well-being, or that you’re simply bringing a smile to their faces.
Any tribute to the greatness of grandmothers will miss important points and fall short of expressing everything. So, however you live out being a grandma, know that you are appreciated for all the vitally important things you do.
What’s special to you about grandmothers? Help fill in the picture by leaving a comment on our Facebook page.