Grandparents, do you wince when you hear about your grandkids’ jam-packed schedules? Do you ever worry that they are way overcommitted? They very well may be.

But instead of shaking your head in disdain or starting an argument with their parents, I recommend you ask for copies of their schedules!

Every school team and club generates online schedules of games, performances, tournaments, meets, and recitals. Just have your children forward you these e-mails as they come in. If you live nearby, you can plug those events into your calendar, and then go and show your faithful support.

And even if you’re three states away, it’s still a great idea. You’ll be ready to ask your grandkids about how that game or recital went. Maybe they or their parents can send videos to you. And maybe you can schedule your next visit around these significant events in your grandchildren’s lives.

At the very least, those schedules contain information that will help you pray specifically for your grandkids and help you be an active part in their busy, busy world.

It’s one more way to stay connected to your grandkids. Make sure you aren’t missing out on these opportunities.


Jay-Payleitner-typewriterJay Payleitner is a best-selling author of more than a dozen books on fathering and family life, as well as a speaker, and radio producer. Recent books include 52 Things to Pray for Your Kids and What If God Wrote Your Bucket List? He and his wife, Rita, live near Chicago, where they’ve raised five great kids (and now have three grandkids) and have loved on ten foster babies.